WA Lounge Chair OUGI Series
WA Lounge Chair OUGI Series
WA Lounge Chair OUGI Series


MIZUMA Yasuaki

2010 Chair Winner of the Chair and Table Design Contest.

WA Lounge Chair OUGI Series (Japanese Lounge Chair Series OUGI )

The concept of this relaxing chair ( WA Lounge Chair or Japanese Chair ) is modern living in traditional Japanese style.
This relaxing chair goes well in a Japanese style room and proposes an attractive modern way of living.

This relaxing chair appears modern but has a taste of Japanese, such as an open body like " ougi " (fan) and the texture of cedar.
High-quality cedar produced in Oita is used and built up one piece by one piece sturdily and carefully finished using beeswax.

   Cedar wood (Beeswax finish) Stainless